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This picture is absolutely terrible of me but it's a good one of the district and our Zone Leaders! love them!(: |
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I know I have been slacking but... I finally got the fish mailbox(:
(oh and in case you were wondering... it was FREEZING that day! |
Hello, Everyone, How is everyone doing? I have sure missed Utah lately although I have heard some rumors that it's snowing so maybe I don't miss it that much. haha
Okay two quick thoughts before I forget:
1) I am grateful to mi madre this week because she raised me to be a hard worker. Even when it's hard and you don't want to. I am so lucky to have the work ethic I have because that truly is what these people out here are missing. I have been thinking so much about that lately. I'm so lucky to have such a good mommy.
2) I love learning. I seriously do. It's my new favorite. I can't believe that it took serving a year and a half in Tennessee to realize that. haha
So this week was Halloween! We had a super fun "Trunk or Treat" out at the church on Wednesday with the ward. I was able to better get to know a lot more people in the branch and me and Hermana bought the same cardigan and dressed up as twins!
Sooo on Sunday I had a bit of an experience. I went to Relief Society and was chosen to be the translator. yayyyy..not. haha Let's be honest right now, my Spanish is not that good and so I ended up translating Sociedad de Socorro for some Spanish sisters and after I asked them if they could understand and they said "un poco" which means "a little" so basically I need to step it up and all that I could do was laugh because I honestly and truly did my best. haha slap in the face haha. It is hard when you seriously have no Spanish investigators or anything. Pray for my Spanish It needs some work. haha
Alrighty, well shout out to the Young Women for sending me that adorable package and all the quotes. I love ya'll remember who you are and stay beautiful!!
Love you all!!!
Hermana Bateson
Also, there is this super awesome family in the ward named
the Boles and let me tell you... if anyone does member missionary work,
it's them. We found a solid investigator through them. Member missionary
work. Do it. I mean, this is the work of the Lord guys. How can you not
want to be a part of it?? It makes me soo happy(: (:
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