It was too precious watching the Elders weed Sister Roner's garden. I was so proud! haha |
This is us in the car one day when Elder Huffaker had my camera... 200 pictures later... I finally found a "decent' one. haha |
Okay so now that I have the coolest camera this
side of the Mississippi, the Elders love to steal my camera and use all
my memory with all these lame pics of them being... well... Elders. So
here is all I got for this week.
This is me with yet another mailbox. It's not my favorite, but it's definitely up there. This house btw, was evicted. Loco.
This one was when I went on exchange with Sister Preston. She is a cutie that's for sure. |
Downtown Knoxville! #boom |
More Downtown Knox |
Some "bike cops" in Knoxville! hahaha They look like missionaries! (: |
Crazy story... okay so guess what?? Hermana and I were walking to an appointment and it starts pouring rain! All of a sudden this huge crack of thunder and lightning went right by us. Like for reals, I saw the lightning. It was so loud, I almost died. So we ran to the peoples house and I bet you will never guess what happened... they weren't home. (shocker...ooh) So we just chilled for almost a half an hour on this random ladies porch. It was so stressful. My companion just started singing and I had myself thinking we were destined to get struck by lightning. I'm glad my companion kept me calm. Needless to say.. we ended up praying and walking back home! We were drenched through. Tennessee rain is hardcore. Scared me to death.
Also, we have been teaching a lot of people that have some terrible smoking habits. The smell is starting to bug me. I come home and my hair, my bag, and yes my Book of Mormon all smell horrible. It's the worst. Sorry. Venting sesh over.
Wait! False alarm. Totally not over guess what? All my friends are getting transferred tomorrow!! Elders Becker, Huffaker, and Mumm are leaving me and I'm so sad. I have been with them my whole mission and now I seriously do not know what to do. It's going to be so different now. No me gusta. I do get to stay in Loudon though so that's a plus. (: But really... I need to start to learn not to be so close with people on the mission. It just makes it harder when we all have to move around. It's the worst tambien.
One more quick thing... sooo best thing ever happened this morning during my study time. I have been praying to have more love for the people lately. My doctrine of Covenants just fell open to Chapter 112 and I had verses 10-11 highlighted. I read them and I just felt Heavenly Fathers love so strong.
10 Be thou a; and the Lord thy God shall b thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.
11 I
know thy heart, and have heard thy prayers concerning thy brethren. Be
not partial towards them in love above many others, but let thy a be for them as for thyself; and let thy love abound unto all men, and unto all who love my name.
I was grateful that He really does answer our prayers. He won't ever forget us. It's a beautiful thing. (:
Hermana Bateson